Care Alliance Ireland
- Liam O'Sullivan, Executive Director or Esther Kavanagh
- Care Alliance Ireland, Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- Phone : + 353 (1) 874 7776
- Mobile: + 353 (0) 87 207 3265
- E-mail: ndo(AT)carealliance(DOT)ie
At the above mail addresses please replace (AT) with "@" and (DOT) with "."
Care Alliance Ireland is the National Network of Voluntary Organisations supporting Family Carers. We currently have over 65 member organisations and a representative board of directors.
The specific aims and objectives of the organisation are as follows:
- To enhance the status and wellbeing of Family Carers, through supporting the work and activities of Family Carers organisations
- To promote collaborative and interagency working amongst organisations working with Family Carers
- To promote research into Family Carers lives, and to promote the sharing of information and ideas between Family Carer organisations
We currently lead in the co-ordination of National Carers Week which takes place in June each year. (June 14th-20th 2010) We also Chair the Family Carer Research Group that is made up of over 15 organisations with an active interest in Family Carer research. We are actively involved in making submissions to the government and other national/regulatory bodies on various matters. We produce a quarterly Newsletter, Care Alliance Exchange and are active members of The Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI), The Carmichael Centre, The Wheel and sit on the executive of Eurocarers.